Liam has started to grab at his feet, and pull onto things. He has convinced himself that he was sit up by himself, but his body has not yet received the memo. So it's a constant struggle these days with him because he gets soooo upset when you lie him down for tummy time and/or put him down in a way he doesn't want to be. He know notices things he wants and will throw himself towards them. It's not entirely a cool sight to see, but its funny to watch.
The other day he whined for a good ten minutes because he wanted this toy that his cousin had. And I must have tossed 20 toys in front of him trying to figure out what he wanted. When I have him the stupid walker chime thingy he was happy and pleased.
He's getting so big, its ridiculous. He has slowed down though since birth, for sure. He hasn't doubled his weight yet, but we won't find that out until Monday. He still fits in 3-6 months comfortably. Sometimes, 3 to 6 months is too big. But 0 to 3 is too small. It's hell trying to find clothes that will fit this baby perfectly.
Christmas is coming! And while Liam has a bunch of toys under the tree already, we're anticipating him eating the paper more. He seems to know what to do with wrapping paper. He scratches at it, pinches it, then...rips it off and eats it. It's a work in progress...
I'll update again with stats in a few more days. Happy Leebug Everybody!
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