Sunday, December 25, 2011

Liam's First Christmas!

The day was pretty uneventful. David and I both had to work so Liam got to spend time with his cousin Cohen! And Aunt Becky and Uncle Markie. He had a blast! He was so tired he slept pretty much all night.

When I came home it was time to open the presents. Liam already had opened most of his presents from Aunt Ashley and everyone else. But he had presents from Santa and Aunt Dana and Grandpa Danny left that he hadn't opened. (The ones wrapped).

We sat him down in my lap and handed him some. He was way more interested in the paper unless the toy lit up or sang. He pretty much stroked every box and tried to eat it. It was quite the sight to see! In the end, he was so tired he passed out for three hours. Which I was completely okay with, I had blogging to do and other stuff.

Well, that's about as much as an update as I have time for. Liam is up and angry, and yelling at me to pick him up so we can finished eating and go to bed.

Night Ya'll.


Liam is rocking Dad's shades...above. 
And Below he is obsessed with this toy from the Essarys! 

Below, still obsessed. 

I tried to steal some love...but he didn't get the memo. 

Above: Cousin Cohen and Liam! 
Below, Everyone
(David, liam, Lacey, Mark, Becky, Cohen, Carol, Wyatt)

Above: Liam and Cohen. 
Below: The insane amount of presents under our tree. 

  Opening his first present! 

He cared more about the wrapping paper...seriously. 

Below: "BUT MOM..WAITTT..": 

We gave him all the wrapping paper in the world. He wasn't too thrilled after that sensory overload.. 

:Below: A picture of the aftermath. 

Above we have a very angry child, minutes before bedtime.

Monday, December 19, 2011

4 Months Old

Our bug is 4 months old today! He weighs 16lbs, 5oz and is 26.25 inches long. He is on the growth curve in the 75th percentile for his weight, and the 91st for head and 90th for height.

He is growing so fast!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

It's a fact..Liam is a weed.

At 17 weeks.. he keeps growing! (So, days shy of 4 months) Not quite four months old yet, he has to wait until Monday to receive that badge of honor. But, Liam is growing! This past Thursday, he graduated from Physical Therapy. His sweet therapists made him a diploma! We're going to miss seeing them so much, but not miss the copays!

Liam has started to grab at his feet, and pull onto things. He has convinced himself that he was sit up by himself, but his body has not yet received the memo. So it's a constant struggle these days with him because he gets soooo upset when you lie him down for tummy time and/or put him down in a way he doesn't want to be. He know notices things he wants and will throw himself towards them. It's not entirely a cool sight to see, but its funny to watch.

The other day he whined for a good ten minutes because he wanted this toy that his cousin had. And I must have tossed 20 toys in front of him trying to figure out what he wanted. When I have him the stupid walker chime thingy he was happy and pleased.

He's getting so big, its ridiculous. He has slowed down though since birth, for sure. He hasn't doubled his weight yet, but we won't find that out until Monday. He still fits in 3-6 months comfortably. Sometimes, 3 to 6 months is too big. But 0 to 3 is too small. It's hell trying to find clothes that will fit this baby perfectly.

Christmas is coming! And while Liam has a bunch of toys under the tree already, we're anticipating him eating the paper more. He seems to know what to do with wrapping paper. He scratches at it, pinches it, then...rips it off and eats it. It's a work in progress...

I'll update again with stats in a few more days. Happy Leebug Everybody!

Friday, December 9, 2011

16 weeks and we have a toof.

Soooo, a whole night of screaming at 16 weeks old, Liam has a bottom tooth. It is barely pushed through, just the little piece of it. But it's there.

I know I'm not supposed to count weeks anymore. But he's more than 3 1/2 months old, not quite 4, he's like the inbetween of months and I don't know how else to age him.

I feel like I can't give him the credit for being four months old, but yet...have to give him credit for making it past 3.5. Especially when every day he lives is something to celebrate.

Another friend's baby passed away from SIDS, needless to say I haven't slept deeply in 5 months, or slept at all in days. It's so scary to think that your baby can be taken away from you and there is nothing you can do to protect them from it. So the AC is turned down, humidifier is on, and all blankets and or suffocation things have been removed from the bed. I'm taking every precaution necessary, minus the whole co-sleeping thing. But that's because my kid won't sleep unless he holds my hand.

We don't have a doctor appointment for another ten days, soooo I have no new stats besides the fact that LIAM has freckles on his cheeks and a baby little tooth poking through.

<3 Have a good weekend ya'll.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Time!

It's starting to feel a lot like Christmas! Finally. It has been a few years since it felt like Christmas..but it is finally here. I'm guessing it's because Liam is here. And it's even funnier how last year, on Christmas we were sitting there saying, can you imagine in a year we'll have a baby?

No, as hard as I could have tried to imagine, I never imagined such a perfect little present.

I took his pictures myself, so excuse the quality. I just really can't allow myself to pay someone to capture moments of my son, moments that will probably we cranky, grumpy, and staged. Meanwhile, I can get him at the perfect times. Right after naps, a bottle, or just when he is felling schnazzy.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cranky Panky Pants

Liam has discovered that he can scream and throw himself backwards.

I kid you not, my child has a temper and he throws tantrums. When he's uncomfortable, he makes this sound that is a warning. If you don't act upon his "warning" he will start to scream, throw himself backwards and doesn't stop until he figures out what he wants.

It's quite a cute headache, because he knows what he wants but he has no way to tell me. This is when I wish I could be Edward Cullen, and read the mind of my 3 1/2 month old. Liam has been so cranky lately. It's been a combination of growth spurt/teething/re-flux/ and separation anxiety when I leave for work. Needless to say, this week has been extremely "fun".
Enjoy some Liam pictures! I didn't get as many as I'd like, but he was in the middle of having a meltdown during our two photoshoots that whole day.