Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Poor Bug. 3 months and 2 weeks old!

His teefs hurt. 
Needless to say, it has been extremely difficult to get ANYTHING done lately. And when I say anything, I mean, anything. Liam has now developed the ability to cry when I leave him. Like, he understands it now. When I walk away, sometimes I leave him for 12 hours while I work. Sometimes, I come right back. But he figures if he lets me know he doesn't want me to leave, I'll come back quicker. For the most part, hes right. 

Teething has been an adventure for us. But the past week Liam has had his first Thanksgiving, three month photo shoot, and his first Christmas tree. Pictures will be posted soon, as soon as I get around to uploading them. 

The poor bug has been a spitting up mess, thanks to Amoxicillin the dr put him on for a sinus "infection". Babies this young don't have sinuses, but its close enough to it. I've also added a teaspoon of rice cereal to his last bottle to help the guy sleep through the night. We're not quite there yet, but we're getting there. 

We have some concerns with him not putting any weight on his left arm, and not using that hand as much. But I dont want to really go into detail until I know anything substantial about it. 

Til then.. that's the Liam update for now! 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A sick bug. =(

I must take care of our Leebug. Poor little dude has been sick with a sinus infection. His little nose is stuffed up, and he has been running a little fever.

Have no fear! Mom is here! I can make any hunger pain or owwie disappear, I am full of lots of kisses and hugs, I shall send away this stupid cold bug!

Sooo I did what any parent would do, freaked out and called the dr and demanded to be seen. Yup, I did it just like that. Its our first major sickness since the NICU, but I handled it like a champ. I already knew what to do anyway. The salie, sucking his nose, making his feedings smaller and more frequently, and then voila...baby is getting better. Oh and I guess the antibiotics is helping too. Pssssh. Moms way better.

He's doing well now. He's still super clingy and just wants me....but I don't mind one bit.

Oh and he weighs 15lbs and 5oz. BIG BOY!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

3 Months Old!

3 months ago today, my life forever changed. I no longer lived for myself. I began living for the world's sweetest little boy Liam.

Now, I look back on my blog from last year, and it seems that Liam was his name from the start. Its funny though, how well his name fits him. Liam means strong willed warrior. And that he is! He's been a fighter since the get go. Would you believe that he tries to sit up already? His muscles can't quite do it yet...but he wants to do it. Its so cute. He almost sat straight up in bed this morning. Although, he did have the advantage of my arm. But still!!

Ahhh 3 months. The next 3 months will fly by even faster. I'm saddened, but I know Id be sadder if he wasn't growing.

Happy 3 Month Birthday my little bird! I love you!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Just an fyi, seeing your child cry tears for the first time is absolutely heartbreaking.

Even if you and the nose sucker are the culprit.

My Liam has perfected the pout face and the tears. I am so in for it. Heartbreaker on the loose!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Giggles and Girlfriends

Daddy was able to make Liam laugh wholeheartedly today, it was cute. He pulls on his tiny arms and Liam just cracks up.

Right now he's resting in my arms after a small infant massage, and were getting ready for bed. It breaks my heart that he's getting so big, and won't stay in my arms longer. But I'm sure it'd break my heart even more if he wasn't growing bigger!

Saturday, Liam was able to go see penguins at Tempe Marketplace, and hang out with his girlfriend Addie. He had a blast! His cousin Cohen also has a girlfriend named Addalynn, so this will be cute! Saturday night he saw Cohen, then again on Monday for a playdate. Of course Liam slept. He tends to poop out of parties!

Well, time for bed for us!

Monday, November 14, 2011


So, I know this might be gross and whatnot to think about... but Liams officially existed for a whole year. And yes, I did tell him happy year of existance. I'm sure he appreciated it. Not sure if he will when he reads this when he's older.

Oh well, I still feel like I accomplished something. Haha someone.


Friday, November 11, 2011

12 Week Stats

So I did this all myself, so FORGIVE me if I'm off.

Weight: 14lbs 7oz
Height: 24 Inches
Head: 17 Inches

=) 12 Weeks Old Today

Thursday, November 10, 2011

12 Weeks Old

So, I spent like an hour the other night writing a post but it never showed up. It was talking about finger painting for the first time making David his first daddy birthday card. And Halloween with our bffs Ash and Kai, and then Uncle Mark, Aunt Becky, and Cohen. I also wrote about our trip to the park too!

But since I'm kind of exhausted, I'm pretty much just going to leave it at that and let the pictures speak for themselves, it was messy! (The painting)

This week, Liam's hit a few more milestones. He has rolled over, he yells, he brings toys to his mouth when he wants, and has gotten a little more happier about tummy time thanks to BIG RED. Big Red is an exercise ball that I lie him on top and kind of let gravity do the work. He hardly notices it, but he gets a huge workout of the low tone on his left side while hes on top.

He loves to chat with mommy, sing, and listen to me read books to him. Tonight, we're reading Trouble With Grownups, a Berenstein Bears book. He's fascinated by the pictures, really.

Liam's kind of starting his 3 month growth spurt. He's sleeping less, eating more, crying randomly like he's in pain, and keeping me up all night. I've been spoiled, the kid slept through the night since 5 weeks, so at 12 weeks I'm a little flustered about the no sleep thing.

It's okay though, he's totally worth it.

I don't have any stats right now for him. I plan on weighing him sometime soon, and taking his measurements - but the kid doesn't stay still! We don't really have anything major coming up with him either, just another week full of physical therapy, and growing!

And that's the Life of a Leebug. <3

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Cranberries, raspberries...same difference.

Liam is blowing raspberries. When he is awake and alert, his little lips purse together and he blows them! Its the cutest thing to watch. He is such a sweet boy, doing so well in physical and occupational therapy too. He flirts with those wonderful ladies every chance he gets! They help me out too, cause by the time they're done I have a very tired and usually sleepy baby on my hands.

Yesterday, I bought a bug mobile from Ikea for five dollars that he adores. I hung it above the changing table and he sits there and talks to the bugs while I'm changing him. It was honestly one of the best investments I've made! The kid isn't entertained by the $3O crib mobile, the $80 activity center, or the $150 swing. Yet he is amazed by a $5 mobile...

Lesson Learned Liam! Thanks. =)